A systematic review of security weaknesses in an information system that evaluates how susceptible it is to any known vulnerabilities.

A vulnerability assessment is a thorough examination of an information system's security flaws. It determines whether the system is vulnerable to any known vulnerabilities, assigns severity levels to those vulnerabilities, and when necessary, offers remediation or mitigation.

Vulnerability assessments can detect vulnerabilities and threats like the examples below

  • Insecure Configurations: software that comes with insecure defaults, such as admin passwords that are easy to guess.

  • Publicly Accessible CVEs and exploits for outdated versions of products.

  • Injection Attacks and many other Scenarios.

Vulnerability Assessment comes in a variety of forms, Among them are

  • Host assessment :An examination of servers that may be vulnerable to attacks and exploits if not thoroughly tested ,Assessment of rules and practices to prevent unauthorized access to private or public networks.

  • Database vulnerability assessment looking for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in databases or big data systems, finding rogue databases or insecure dev/test environments, and classifying sensitive data across an organization's infrastructure.

  • Application scans : Automated front-end scans or static/dynamic source code analysis are used to detect security vulnerabilities in online applications and their source code.

The identifying of security vulnerabilities in web applications and their source code by automated scans on the front-end or static/dynamic analysis of source code. For example, the root cause of vulnerability could be an old version of an open-source library. This provides a clear path for resolution – simply upgrading the library.

Why Us?

We aim to evaluate different elements of security covering integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, vulnerability, and continuity, by focusing on the various layers of an information system across infrastructure, database, network, and access channels like mobile. The security testing goal is to make the applications safe and sound and free from vulnerabilities.